Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ok so Mom's been decorating for Easter...

We still need to tell you all about the last half of our trip to California. But mom wants to finish decorating the weenie blog for Easter.....We're heading to the dog parrk so more later and maybe a bunch of pictures!

~Susie Pearl

Ok now to the last half of the trip to California. We followed Uncle MIke and Aunt Cecelia 's motorhome on the road til we got to an awesome place where I brought and received much joy and happiness. We were at Aunt Lois's house! I LOVE her and get a bad case of waggy tail when I see her. I got to be petted by her and all of Mom's cousins for the next 2 days. They had a big party with all but one of mom's cousins was there. I was so worn out! Then the last day mom and Daddy decided not to crate me in Aunt Lois's house while they went to breakfast. I was such a good girl in her very nice house that Mom siad I dont have to use my crate if I don't want to when I am alone. Then they all hugged us and we drove to the place with the metal tubes and we were in a tube for 5 or so hourse and then we drove home. It was a big awesome trip.

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